Hip pointer

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A hip pointer is defined as bruising on the hips bones or muscles and other soft tissues in the hip.

The injury is generally brought about by a direct strike on the hip. It is likely to occur often in contact sports such as football in which a player drives a helmet into the hip region.

What are the indications?

The usual indications of a hip pointer include:

  • Difficulty walking
  • Hip pain and tenderness
  • Soft bump over the site of injury
    Hip pointer
    The achiness or discomfort caused by hip pointer typically settles in a few weeks with self-care measures.

Management of hip pointer

The achiness or discomfort caused by hip pointer typically settles in a few weeks with self-care measures. The doctor usually suggests stretching and appropriate exercises to promote healing.

In some cases, the doctor might provide the individual with a shot of steroid medication.

Some of the self-care measures include:

  • Application of ice on the site that is covered with a cloth or towel every 3-4 hours at 20-minute sessions
  • Provide an anti-inflammatory medication as instructed by the doctor.
  • It is recommended to place padding over the site of injury to prevent it from being reinjured again.

Always bear in mind that a hip pointer could not be prevented. Nevertheless, for those who are playing contact sports, use the proper protecting padding over the site to prevent injury.

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