Hives from bed bugs: How is it treated?

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Bed bugs are small-sized insects that feed mostly at night time. Once bed bugs deliver a bite, they introduce an anesthetic to prevent the victim from feeling anything along with an anticoagulant to keep the blood flowing. The bed bug bites typically trigger small hives that spread to any area that the bugs have fed on.

How to manage hives

  • Apply a topical cream on the site of the hives. There are a variety of cortisone creams available over-the-counter. The application of these creams on the site 3-4 times a day to lessen the itchiness.
  • Avoid scratching the site where the hives develop. Take note that scratching the affected site can trigger irritation and can also damage the skin, potentially causing an infection.
    pply a topical cream on the site of the hives. There are a variety of cortisone creams available over-the-counter.
  • An antihistamine can be given. Antihistamines work by reducing some of the itchiness and inflammation that are triggered by bed bug bites.
  • Carefully monitor for a severe allergic reaction. In some individuals, the hives from bed bug bites can cause itchiness all over the body and even difficulty breathing. In such instances, the doctor might prescribe oral corticosteroids.

Getting rid of bed bugs

It is vital to eliminate the bed bugs. The only measure to eliminate hives triggered by bed bug bites is to eliminate them. It is recommended to freeze the sheets, pajamas and other bedding items for 24 hours as well as spray pesticides around the bed.

In some cases, professional services might be necessary to completely get rid of the infestation.

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