How hepatitis C affects the body?

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It is important to note that the liver is the largest organ in the body. It is positioned in the upper right side of the abdomen slightly on the right side of the stomach. The liver is similar to the size of a football and functions as a processing center of the body. As blood courses through the liver, toxins such as alcohol and ammonia are filtered so that they will not cause damage. The liver also produces vital substances such as bile to help with the digestion and absorption of food. Lastly, it also stores vital substances such as glucose and vitamins for future use. Hepatitis C is a condition that can cause liver damage. By enrolling in a first aid course, you can learn measures to prevent the risk of acquiring this condition.

Liver damage

All the functions of the liver are essential to life. Once hepatitis C infects the liver, it will damage and eventually kill the liver cells. The liver tissue becomes stiff and lumpy which makes it difficult for blood to filter through until it could no longer filter at all.

This will leave the body defenseless against bacteria and toxins. Excess sugar will accumulate in the blood and several bodily processes stop which results to illness and even death.

Disrupted filtering of blood

Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C can lead to damage that prevents the liver from producing bile which is vital in digestion.

Most of the foods being eaten contain certain toxins or poisons. A liver in a healthy state can filter these detrimental substances. Ammonia is an end-product of protein metabolism that is converted by the liver to urea and sent to the kidneys where it leaves the body as urine. If an individual has hepatitis C, it can disrupt this function as well as other vital processes within the body.

Lack of glucose storage

The liver also extracts sugar from various foods eaten and converts it into glucose for storage. Once the body needs energy, the liver converts the glucose back into sugar and released into the bloodstream. If the liver is damaged by hepatitis C, it could no longer convert and store sugar properly or effectively. As an effect, excess sugar will enter the bloodstream and cause widespread damage that can be irreversible. In most cases, type 2 diabetes which is due to excess sugar in the blood can be a result of liver damage due to hepatitis C.

Impaired bile production

Hepatitis C can lead to damage that prevents the liver from producing bile which is vital in digestion.

Uncontrolled amino acid level

It is important to note that amino acids come from the foods we eat. These are used to break down food, for development, repair body tissue and utilized in other vital functions. The liver is responsible for regulating the amount of amino acids released into the bloodstream.

Unprocessed hemoglobin

Hemoglobin is responsible for carrying oxygen to other cells in the body along with iron which is essential to life. The liver processes and stores iron from the blood for future use. If the liver is damaged by hepatitis C, it is less efficient in processing and storing iron.

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