Simple measures to manage chronic pain

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Pain is how the body informs you that there is something wrong. The pain can occur abruptly or steadily buildup over time ranging from mild, intermittent, severe or persistent. Acute pain that is left untreated can progress to chronic pain. When it comes to chronic pain, it can be debilitating than other conditions. You can register for first aid training so that you can learn measures to deal with pain.

Acute or chronic pain

Determining the type of pain the individual is experience is the initial step to manage the condition.

  • Acute pain can occur abruptly or last for weeks or months. This type of pain typically goes away once the underlying cause is treated.
  • Chronic pain is ongoing and can occur due to injury, infection or psychogenic. This type of pain can persist for months or years and can affect the physical and emotional well-being of the individual.

Proper hydration

Chronic pain
Chronic pain is ongoing and can occur due to injury, infection or psychogenic.

It is important to note that dehydration can worsen the symptoms of some chronic conditions such as back pain and headache. Even though it can be tempting to increase intake of beverages such as juice, coffee or soda, their diuretic effect makes them poor sources of hydration. Sticking with water can keep the body hydrated without the added calories, caffeine or sodium.

Suitable foods to eat

A diet that is comprised of easy to digest foods that are free from processed foods can help reduce inflammation. Foods that can alleviate the inflammation that leads to chronic pain include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, leafy greens, fatty acids, low-sugar fruits as well as asparagus and soy products.

Foods to limit

Since inflammation is the usual cause of chronic pain, there are certain chemicals in foods that can worsen it. The individual should stay away or reduce the intake of these inflammation triggers:

  • Chocolate
  • Dairy
  • Nightshade vegetables
  • Citrus fruits
  • Processed foods
  • High-fat red meat
  • Wheat products
  • Red wine, tea, coffee and soda

Use turmeric

Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and is highly beneficial for various health issues including pain that is chronic. Turmeric is comprised of curcumin which provides a natural method to minimize inflammation in the body without causing any harm to the kidneys or liver.

Turmeric works by increasing the flexibility of the ligaments as well as boosting the immune system. It is recommended to add turmeric to meals or sprinkle on tea.


There are ways to maintain correct posture in order to fight chronic pain. Many individuals end up with the C-slump which disrupts with the nerve and blood flow. It is important to keep the head directly above a straight spine to prevent strain on the back as well as the neck muscles.

Other measures to manage pain

When changes in the lifestyle and diet are not enough, it is best to seek other measures to manage the pain. A doctor must be consulted to decide on alternatives suitable for the individual. Additional methods to manage chronic pain include NSAIDs, acetaminophen, hypnosis or surgery.

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