Indications of severe cervical spinal stenosis

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It is important to note that cervical stenosis develops once there are obstructions present in the passages that convey the spinal cord and the peripheral nerves via the vertebral column. The cervical spine can develop impediments in the central spinal canal in which the spinal cord goes down from the brain through the neck and into the trunk and the abdominal region.

Take note that these obstructions can develop in the openings amidst the cervical vertebrae that convey the nerves from the spinal cord to the peripheral nervous system. In case of a severe cervical spinal stenosis, there are several indications that you should watch out for.

Arm pain

The arm pain that is triggered by cervical spinal stenosis is known as radiculopathy. The arm pain is considered as a symptom that primarily urges the individual with cervical spinal stenosis to seek medical care.

Take note that this pain can develop at a steady phase for many years and can be sporadic. The slow progress of the deterioration of the cervical spine can result to a delay in seeking treatment until the condition becomes severe. Once the individual experiences arm pain or radiculopathy, it is called as cervical stenosis accompanied by myelopathy. Aside from the arm pain, those who have cervical spinal stenosis can suffer from sensations similar to an electric shock that fire through the arms. There are pain management measures that you can perform which you can learn in a first aid class today.

Cervical spinal stenosis
The arm pain that is triggered by cervical spinal stenosis is known as radiculopathy.

Leg spasticity and heaviness

The spinal canal stenosis can result to detrimental effects all over the spinal cord. Take note that the spinal cord should pass via the central canal of the cervical spine before it reaches the legs and feet. If the spinal cord is compressed at the level of the neck due to cervical spinal stenosis, it compromises the functions of the nervous system in the lower part of the body, resulting to the sensation of heaviness in the legs. Spasticity or loss of control on the leg muscles will make walking a difficult task. Due to the diminished motor neuron impulses to the leg muscles, it results to the loss of strength.

Poor fine motor skills

When it comes to severe cervical spinal stenosis, it can lead to neuropathy or nerve damage to the motor neurons that allows the fine motor skills such as writing.


Always bear in mind that the autonomic nervous system helps control the organ function all over the body. If any of the nerves are impinged, it can compromise several functions essential for life. Severe cervical spinal stenosis can disrupt the ability of the autonomic nerves to transmit impulses to the bladder and bowel, resulting to incontinence.

These are the possible complications that can develop if the individual has severe cervical spinal stenosis. Once the early indications of the condition manifest, the individual should seek immediate medical care to avoid these complications from occurring.

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