Is running responsible for a sore heel?

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A sore heel might arise after running. It is important to note that this activity places significant strain on the foot. Over time, the continuous pounding on hard surfaces can irritate the base of the feet especially the heel.

Luckily, heel pain generally settles on its own with conservative measures if the sore heel can rest. A doctor should be consulted if the pain becomes persistent or severe.

Why do I have a sore heel?

The usual cause of a sore heel is plantar fasciitis. This condition involves inflammation of the plantar fascia.

The usual cause of a sore heel is plantar fasciitis. This condition involves inflammation of the plantar fascia. Other prevalent causes of heel pain include an injured fat pad, heel bursitis, bone spurs, calcaneal stress fracture as well as Achilles tendonitis.

One reason why a sore heel occurs is simply overuse. If the individual is engaged in prolonged, extensive runs continuously, it is best to rest for a couple of days.

Home treatment

Anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen can be given to lessen the swelling and pain. It is recommended to rest the foot for at least a week and avoid running or standing for extended periods. In addition, apply an ice pack on the sore heel for 10-15 minutes at least 2 times throughout the day to reduce the swelling and pain.

If the individual was not professionally fitted for running shoes, it is best to do so. The cause might be incorrectly fitting shoes. Once the right footwear is bought, using a heel cup can provide added cushioning in the heel region.

When to consult a doctor?

When the sore heel is difficult to manage, set an appointment with a doctor. Other indications that requires further assessment include:

  • Tingling or numbness in the heel
  • Inability to push up using the toes
  • Pain while at rest or persists more than a month

The doctor might prescribe cortisone injections or even surgery in severe cases.

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