Kidney laceration

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Kidney laceration is likely to occur after blunt trauma to the lower back. The degree of the injury tends to vary considerably. The kidneys are a pair of organs positioned in the rear part of the abdomen. The key role of the kidney is to filter the blood. Blood passes through the kidneys several times throughout the day. They are also responsible for eliminating wastes and produce urine. Once kidney laceration occurs, it might affect these functions.

Indications of kidney laceration

The indications of kidney laceration can vary with mild damage that might initially show no symptoms. In some cases, indications might arise such as:

  • Soreness or pain if the abdomen is palpated
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
    Kidney laceration
    Soreness or pain if the abdomen is palpated.
  • Blood-streaked urine
  • Irregularities in the pulse rate and blood pressure
  • Shock that might lead to loss of consciousness

The usual causes of kidney laceration include a direct impact or strike to the abdomen particularly in the lower back region. Vehicular accidents, falls and assault are also other common causes.

How is it diagnosed

A diagnosis of kidney laceration is usually confirmed along with the extent of damage with the following tests:

  • CT scan to visualize the kidneys
  • Aortogram – a specialized dye is administered into the major artery. An X-ray of the region is taken while the blood that contains the dye moves into the kidneys and can show any leakage.


The treatment for kidney laceration is usually based on the severity of the damage.

  • Minor cases of kidney laceration might only require monitoring to ensure that the kidney is still functioning effectively.
  • In severe cases, surgery is usually needed. The objective of surgery is to stop the bleeding as well as preserve the tissues and function of the kidneys

Disclaimer / More Information

The information posted on this page on kidney laceration is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn to recognize and manage internal injuries, register for first aid training at one of our training centers located throughout Canada. The training centers are in Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Mississauga, Kelowna, Surrey, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa and Halifax.

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