Newborn Care: Dressing and Your Baby’s Body Temperature

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Newborn infants do not have well-developed thermoregulatory functions. Therefore, adults need to ensure that they maintain normal body temperature by choosing appropriate clothing.

As the baby grows, the body temperature fluctuates regularly due to the

Newborn Care
Newborn Care

changes in their hormones. Immediately after birth, residual maternal hormones (hormones that babies have received from their mother during pregnancy) are still at work. But eventually, these maternal hormones are consumed and soon the baby develops its own thermoregulatory functions. These changes in hormonal levels make babies prone to sudden temperature
changes – sometimes babies are too hot, other times they are too cold.

If the baby is too hot, she can develop heat rash; on the other hand, if she is too cold, she can develop hypothermia. Both conditions are never good for any baby. It is important that you choose the right clothes to help regulate their body temperature. Choose clothes that are suited with the climate. Usually, donning your baby with leggings or little shorts, with a jumper or loose-fitting shirt is enough. In cold climates, newborn jackets or hooded cardigans can provide extra warmth. Knitted hats and booties worn over socks are also
recommended. If going on a hot climate or directly under the sun, it is best to protect the child against the sun’s UV rays. Don your baby with light cotton clothing and a hat for added sun protection while ensuring normal body temperature.

Remember that baby’s skin is extremely sensitive, so you have to choose soft and delicate fabrics to promote comfort and prevent skin problems.

As your baby grows, she develops strength and tries to learn muscle control through random body movements. Do not don your baby with heavy fabrics and constricting clothes that can impede this process and cause pain to their little bodies. You should be attentive with their clothing needs. Always have extra clothing on hand in case they spill, soil, and dribble liquids on their clothes.

Babies undergo rapid growth and they can outgrow their clothes sooner than you expected. Make sure to regularly check your baby’s clothes and be ready to change them. Take note that clothes that are too small or too big can cause discomfort to babies and make them cry more, aside from affecting their body temperature. If you are taking your baby on a travel, it is a recommended to keep layers of clothing in case the climate suddenly turns hot or cold. There are different options when it comes to sleepwear, such as sleep suits or vests.

Babies are very sensitive to the sense of touch. Watch out for signals and little responses of the baby to the clothing or fabric, such as squirming, pulling, or tugging. These may indicate that the baby is not comfortable what she is wearing.

Babysitting courses, such as those offered by the workplace approved, teach parents and babysitters about how to choose appropriate clothing for babies. You can learn a lot from this one-day training courses.

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