Pneumothorax: What are the types?

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Pneumothorax involves the buildup of air around the lungs. This places pressure on the lungs and result to its collapse. It is a prevalent condition among individuals suffering from severe blunt chest injuries.

What are the indications?

The usual indications of pneumothorax generally include:

Among individuals with the tension type, the lung sounds are significantly reduced, possibly lacking and the blood pressure drops severely.

Among individuals with the tension type, the lung sounds are significantly reduced, possibly lacking and the blood pressure drops severely.

Close look on the types of pneumothorax


With this type of pneumothorax, air escapes the lungs and ends up trapped amidst the chest wall lining and sac bordering the lungs.

Among healthy individuals, the pleura on both sides slide on each other while breathing. Once air builds up between the 2 layers of pleura, it forces them apart. A bubble of air takes over the chest wall and drives the lung out of the way.


Once pneumothorax grows, the air pressure in the chest can cause shortness of breath and later lead to obstructive shock due to the pressure on the heart and large blood vessels.

This type is likely to occur if there is an open wound in the chest which allows air to move in. If left untreated, this type can be dangerous.


In some instances, the spontaneous form develops which is a simple form that progresses into the tension type if left untreated.

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