Potential side effects of vitamin C overdose

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Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin present in various vegetables and fruits. This vitamin has a vital role in the formation of collagen as well as functions as an antioxidant to boost the immune system. Even though it should be taken daily, it might be toxic in some instances.

What is the upper limit?

The tolerable upper limit is the maximum amount of vitamin that can be taken daily without triggering any ill effects. The acceptable upper limit for vitamin C is 2,000 mg per day. If higher than this amount, it is considered as an overdose.

Digestive issues

If the individual consumed more than 2,000 mg of vitamin C, he/she might end up with severe digestive irritation and diarrhea.

The usual side effects of vitamin C overdose involve the GI tract. If the individual consumed more than 2,000 mg of vitamin C, he/she might end up with severe digestive irritation and diarrhea.

Aside from the significant discomfort, prolonged occurrences of diarrhea or vomiting can result to dehydration which leads to excessive thirst, low urine output, fatigue and low blood pressure. Take note that vomiting as well as diarrhea can also lead to imbalances in the mineral stores in the body.

Am I at risk for kidney stones?

Vitamin C is degraded by the body into oxalate. Some of these substances are eliminated via urine but high levels of oxalate can lead to the formation of deposits or kidney stones. The excessive intake of vitamin C is also linked to an increased risk for oxalate kidney stones.

What is hemochromatosis?

Hemochromatosis is a condition brought about by the excess build-up of iron in the body. The condition is generally inherited and often affects the heart, liver and pancreas. Even though vitamin C overdose will not cause the condition, it can worsen it.

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