MRSA infection: Potential dangers

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MRSA or methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus is a form of bacteria that can cause serious infections. It is important to note that the staph bacteria are the usual source of infection. A main concern with MRSA is its resistance to the commonly used antibiotics.

A doctor should be consulted if an individual has an infection and uncertain of its origin particularly if hospitalized recently. It is important to note that MRSA can lead to dangerous consequences including serious joint or skin infections, inflammation of the heart, pneumonia, organ disruption and even death.

Infections of the joint, skin and bones

A rash, abscess or oozing cut or wound in the skin might be an initial sign of a staph infection.

A rash, abscess or oozing cut or wound in the skin might be an initial sign of a staph infection. Tests are done to determine if the infection is MRSA. A usual skin infection that arises due to MRSA is cellulitis which is a painful inflammatory skin condition characterized by a reddened rash that can become tender, swollen and warm.

If not treated, MRSA infections can spread, oftentimes resulting to osteomyelitis which is a painful condition that can lead to the death of the bone tissues. If the bacteria gains access to a joint, it can cause arthritis.

Individuals diagnosed with diabetes who have issues with wound healing are prone to the infection, especially if under dialysis.

Endocarditis or pneumonia

MRSA infections can move into the bloodstream where it can affect various organs including the heart and lungs.

If it reaches the lungs, it can result to pneumonia. In some cases, it can cause an inflammatory heart condition known as endocarditis where the lining of the heart and its valves are inflamed.

Toxic or septic shock

Bacterial infections that involve the bloodstream can lead to septic shock. The abrupt start of fever and continuous low blood pressure is an indication of septic shock or toxic shock.

Both forms of shock are considered as serious conditions. If not promptly treated, organ damage including kidney failure can occur and can even result to death.

Quick Note / Disclaimer

The material posted on this page on MRSA infection is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn to recognize the indications of this type of infection, register for a first aid and CPR course with Mississauga First Aid.

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