Running is considered as a favored sport nowadays and many individuals started to engage in this sport as a healthy way to exercise. Nevertheless, running injuries are an ill-fated but common occurrence among those who love the sport. Proper understanding of a running injury is the key to effective treatment.
Running injuries on the hip and thigh
In some circumstances, the hip and thigh can be affected by certain injuries while engaging in a run.
Hip bursitis
The inflammation of the bursa over the exterior region of the hip joint or trochanteric bursitis can trigger pain during hip movement. When it comes to the treatment for hip bursitis, it is often effective but the condition has an issue of coming back and becoming a persistent issue.
Iliotibial band syndrome
The iliotibial band is a dense, fibrous band that spans from the hip to the shin and provides stability to the knee joint. This syndrome is triggered once the band becomes tender and inflamed.
Snapping hip syndrome
Snapping hip syndrome is used to describe 3 distinct hip issues. First is when the IT band snaps over the exterior of the thigh. Second is when the deep hip flexor breaks over the anterior part of the joint and lastly, the development of tears on the cartilage that surrounds the hip socket.
Hip stress fractures
Stress fractures on the hip are common among individuals who engage in high-impact sports.
Pulled hamstring
A pulled hamstring is a common injury among sprinters. The treatment for a pulled hamstring is vital for fast recovery of running injuries.
Knee injuries while running
Kneecap subluxation
This occurs when the kneecap is pulled to the side of the groove. In severe injuries, the kneecap can completely dislocate from the groove.
Patellofemoral syndrome
This condition is also called as runner’s knee and can refer to a number of common injuries such as patellar tendonitis, chondromalacia or generalized knee pain.
Plica syndrome
This syndrome occurs once there is irritation of the knee joint lining. A region of the lining of the knee joint is more prominent in some individuals. Once this becomes inflamed, it can trigger knee pain.
Leg injuries while running
Shin splints
Shin splints describe a set of symptoms. The pain can be due to issues with the bone, muscles or the attachment of the muscle to the bone.
Stress fractures
Stress fractures on the hip are typically seen in long distance runners.
Exercise-induced compartment syndrome
This syndrome causes pain over the front part of the leg during activity. Those who have this condition require surgery to relieve the symptoms.
Ankle injuries while running
Ankle sprain
Sprains are common running injuries. With early recognition and treatment, it can help hasten the recovery from ligament injuries.
Achilles tendonitis
This is a painful condition involving the tendon in the rear part of the ankle. If this condition is not treated, it can lead to an increased risk for rupture of the Achilles tendon.
Foot injuries while running
Pronation is the normal foot movement via the gait cycle. Once this is excessive, it can alter the normal mechanics of the gait cycle.
Plantar fasciitis
This is a syndrome of heel pain caused by the inflammation of the dense ligament at the base of the foot. This can cause pain while running or walking and even lead to the development of heel spurs.
Arch pain
This is considered as a common foot issue and often leads to inflammation and burning sensation under the arch of the foot. The treatment often involves adaptive inserts and footwear.