What are the usual allergies that trigger sinusitis?

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Allergies that can cause sinusitis occur due to allergic rhinitis. It is important to note that allergic rhinitis affects both children and adults. In such cases, the doctor will recommend various treatments for allergies that cause sinusitis, depending on the medical history, severity of the condition and time frame of the condition.

What is sinusitis?

When it comes to sinusitis, it is characterized as the inflammation of the sinus cavity due to virus or bacteria. The sinus cavity will swell once it is infected which results to nasal issues such as excessive discharge and congestion.

What is an allergy?

Allergic rhinitis is considered as the most common allergic condition that can cause sinusitis.

An allergy occurs once the immune system responds to a foreign substance such as pet dander or pollen. Even though these are harmless substances, the immune system overly reacts. Take note that the immune system releases chemicals that will fight off the allergen which leads to itchy eyes, sinus congestion and throat irritation. When it comes to allergies, it is vital that you are prepared to manage the symptoms. It is best to take a course on first aid today.


Allergic rhinitis is considered as the most common allergic condition that can cause sinusitis. It is important to note that allergic rhinitis or hay fever is usually seasonal or can be a chronic condition. The usual allergens that are capable of triggering hay fever include grass pollen, tree pollen, dust mites, weed pollen, pet dander and mold spores. Take note that allergic rhinitis can cause severe nasal congestion.

Cause and effect

Allergies that cause sinusitis occur due to sinus congestion. An allergen will cause the sinuses to swell which traps fluid in the sinus cavity. As the mucus accumulates in the sinuses, it will eventually allow bacteria to trigger a sinus infection.

Preventive measures

Avoidance is highly effective in preventing allergies that cause sinusitis. It is best to identify the allergens by consulting a doctor and then avoid the allergens that cause nasal congestion. Limiting exposure is recommended such as staying indoors with the windows closed during the peak season of pollen, taking out garbage daily, washing the dishes, vacuuming as well as washing out bedding every week. In addition, if there are any pets around, they must be bathed weekly and keep them out of bedrooms to minimize exposure to dander.


The usual treatments for allergies that cause sinusitis include antihistamines, saline spray and decongestants. The antihistamines are used to prevent the immune system from producing histamine that triggers the manifestation of the allergy symptoms. These medications are recommended by the doctor for continuous use during the peak allergy seasons such as spring.

Decongestants can provide relief to the nasal congestion by shrinking the nasal cavity back to normal size. Just remember that using over-the-counter nasal decongestant sprays must only be used for 3 days.

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