Can mushrooms cause skin rashes?

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Mushrooms might trigger skin rashes among highly sensitive individuals. If an individual ends up with rashes after directly touching or ingesting mushrooms, he/she might be allergic.

If an individual has mold allergy, a reaction might manifest if mushrooms are eaten. It is important to note that mushrooms are included in the fungus family and can instigate symptoms of mold allergy including skin rashes. It is best to stop eating mushrooms and set an appointment with a doctor.

Is there a link with mold allergy?

If the individual is allergic to mold, the body overly reacts if the spores are inhaled. Mold allergy is generally associated to hay fever and at its peak during the summer and autumn season.

If an individual has mold allergy, the usual skin reactions after eating mushrooms include eczema, hives and generalized itchiness.

The spores are invisible and spread by the wind. If these are inhaled, the immune system triggers a response to fight it off using antibodies. The antibodies initiate the release of histamine which cause inflammation in the soft tissues including the skin.

Mushrooms are considered as high-risk foods among those with mold allergy since they include the mold spores that can initiate an allergic response. It is best to avoid mushrooms, dried fruit, cheeses and pickled products if diagnosed with mold allergy. In some cases, a skin reaction manifests by directly holding a mushroom.

Common skin reactions

If an individual has mold allergy, the usual skin reactions after eating mushrooms include eczema, hives and generalized itchiness. These skin rashes can develop on any part of the body but usually on the face or around the mouth.

Allergic contact dermatitis can trigger a rash after holding the mushroom. The site that was exposed to the allergen becomes inflamed, swollen and itchy.

Management of the skin rashes

The skin rashes triggered by mold allergy can be prevented by avoiding mushrooms and making sure that the house is free from mold.

When it comes to allergic contact dermatitis, it is managed by washing the affected area using water and soap to eliminate any residue from the mushroom.

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