What are the indications of excess histamine in the body?

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Histamine is basically a chemical that is naturally present in the body system. The moment an individual experiences an allergic reaction, histamine is released. During a severe allergic reaction to a particular allergen, it causes the body to produce a large amount of histamine. As a result, it can lead to histamine high or histadelia. If this condition occurs, there are several adverse indications that can manifest if the amount of histamine is too high in the body.

Signs and symptoms of high histamine in the body

If an individual has elevated histamine in the body, you have to watch out for the following indications.


If the level of histamine in the body is too high, it will make it difficult for the individual to sit still or sleep. Take note that even if the individual with high levels of histamine can fall asleep, he/she will likely have a disturbed night of sleeping. Those with histadelia will constantly feel the urge to get up and move around. As a result, the individual will not get enough sleep at night, thus disrupting daily activities and work-related tasks.

Low level of pain tolerance

Individuals who have elevated levels of histamine in the body can become overly sensitive to physical touch. It simply means that these individuals often have a low threshold for pain. Moderate pain to these individuals is already intolerable than those who have a normal level of histamine.


It is important to note that compulsions are another indication that the histamine level in the body is high. This symptom is connected with hyperactivity. An individual who appears as a perfectionist might be actually suffering from histadelia which makes it difficult for him/her to relax.


Individuals who have elevated levels of histamine in the body system will feel very hot. Due to the elevated body heat, it eventually triggers profuse sweating if the body could not be cooled from the outside. Take note that individuals who naturally have excess histamine in their body at all the times will not have as much body hair present that will accommodate the high body temperature.


Excess histamine
Based on studies conducted, depression is considered as one of the severe indications that histamine is elevated in the body system.

Based on studies conducted, depression is considered as one of the severe indications that histamine is elevated in the body system. Once this symptom develops, the individual might have compulsive suicidal thoughts. Always remember that this symptom must be carefully monitored by a doctor. The doctor will usually prescribe a medication that will help counteract this symptom.

Allergic reactions

Take note that an allergy to histamine can trigger a number of reactions in the body such as asthma or skin reactions. Gastrointestinal problems and even migraines can also manifest due to the elevated levels of histamine in the body. If this is the case, it is best to consult a doctor so that appropriate first aid measures and treatment options can be provided.


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