Evaporative dry eye is a common variant of dry eye syndrome. The condition is typically brought about by an obstruction in the oil glands lining the margins of the eyelids. These glands or Meibomian glands generate oil to cover the eye surface and prevent the tears from drying out.
What are the characteristics?
The signs of evaporative dry eye tend to vary in seriousness. Generally, the eyes feel uncomfortable. The discomfort might include:
- Blurred vision
- Stinging or gritty sensation
- Light sensitivity
- Inability to tolerate contact lenses
- Eye fatigue especially after prolonged reading or computer use
Additionally, there is increasing redness, or the eyelids appear swollen.
Management of evaporative dry eye
The treatment for evaporative dry eye is based on the severity of the symptoms and if there is an underlying health condition that requires treatment.
In case a certain drug is a contributing factor to the condition, the doctor might suggest an alternative option.
Other treatment options include the following:
- The doctor might suggest simple measures such as using a humidifier to maintain moisture in the air or for those who wear contact lenses to utilize a different cleaning method.
- If there is moderate blockage in the Meibomian glands, a warm compress can be applied on the eyelids 2-4 minutes each time. In addition, an over-the-counter lid scrub can be used.
- Eye drops, or artificial tears can be used to make the eyes comfortable.
- For severe blockage, some of the treatment options include LipiFlow thermal pulsating system, intense pulsed light therapy and prescription medications.