
How to deal with heat rash due to shin guards

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Heat rash usually develops if an individual spends time outdoors under warm and humid conditions. The rash or prickly heat forms due to the clogged sweat glands. This is quite common among infants but adults can also develop rashes under favorable conditions. Using equipment such as shin guards can worsen the condition since sweat could not easily evaporate from the skin and chaffing occurs.

What are the symptoms?

Prior to treating the heat rash, it is vital to ensure that it is actually a heat rash. The indications of heat rash vary depending on the type that develops.

When it comes to mild cases specifically miliaria crystalline, there are small-sized, clear blisters that form on the affected skin. The other type of heat rash called miliaria rubra can cause reddened, itchy bumps that are prickly. Lastly, miliaria profunda develops among adults who previously developed miliaria rubra. This type can cause skin-colored lesions that are strikingly similar to goosebumps. In some cases, the individual can develop fever and chills along with drainage of pus from the lesions.

Why heat rash develops

Heat rash forms once sweat and perspiration are trapped under the skin and the sweat glands. This results to blockage that leads to irritation and inflammation. When an individual wears shin guards, the sweat could not easily evaporate and the skin remains moist with perspiration. This is one reason why engaging in physical activities during humid and warm conditions increases the risk for heat rash.

Heat rash
Always bear in mind that heat rash often causes extreme itchiness and discomfort. In such cases, over-the-counter anti-itch products that are applied topically can control the itchiness.

Management of heat rash

Always bear in mind that heat rash often causes extreme itchiness and discomfort. In such cases, over-the-counter anti-itch products that are applied topically can control the itchiness.

In severe cases, a doctor should be consulted regarding prescription creams that can alleviate the itchiness. In some circumstances, the doctor might recommend anhydrous lanolin that can prevent the sweat gland ducts from getting clogged which can worsen the condition.


If the individual engages in activities such as soccer that requires the use of shin guards, there are measures that can prevent the development of heat rash. The ideal way to prevent the rash is to stay in a cool and less humid environment. If this is not possible, you can apply a dusting powder on the affected skin to alleviate the discomfort as well as prevent moisture build-up that contributes to the rash.

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