Management of radiation burns

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Burns should be carefully assessed by a doctor for its proper classification. Even though burns might be categorized as minor, they are still capable of causing discomfort to the individual. There are specific charts utilized in analyzing the types of burn as well as percentages of the body area involved.

Minor burns are considered as first-degree burns such as minor sunburn that is pink without any blisters, usually involving less than 10% of the body. As for moderate and severe burns, the extremities are affected along with skin bubbling. The radiation burns can be caused by radiation therapy treatment for cancer to a specific region in the body or can be due to unintentional exposure to radioactive material. Remember that the severity of a radiation burn is used by the doctor to determine the suitable treatment.

Intravenous therapy

Intravenous therapy is utilized for severe radiation burns since the body has likelihood to become dehydrated. The loss of fluids is due to the burned, exposed skin along with the elevation in the body temperature. In such cases, fluids are pumped into the body to prevent dehydration as well as hasten the recovery process.

Radiation burn
The application of a cool compress along with proper skin care is vital in caring for a radiation burn after treatment of the malignancy.


Debridement of the site of the radiation burn together with antibiotic therapy can be utilized. Take note that infection can also occur with radiation burns and requires treatment in order to prevent further complications from developing.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is utilized to manage cases of severe radiation burns due to the increased requirement for nutrients as well as the need to promote fast healing due to possible surgery to take out a malignancy.

This therapy works as the pressure inside the hyperbaric tank presses on the vessels and saturates the plasma in the blood.  This results to an increased amount of oxygen flow as well as increasing the healing process. In addition, it also generates new skin cells among the debrided ones.

Cool compress

The application of a cool compress along with proper skin care is vital in caring for a radiation burn after treatment of the malignancy. A cool compress is applied over the affected areas to promote the healing process as well as relieve some of the burning sensation that the individual might experience.

Pain medications

Pain medications are vital in managing the discomfort accompanying radiation burns. Ibuprofen or morphine can be prescribed depending on the degree of the burns. For minor burns, they are managed with medications available over-the-counter, but the doctor might prescribe stronger medications for cases that involve intense pain.

Once an individual sustained a radiation burn, it is best to consult a doctor so that proper assessment can be carried out. This will ensure that the burn is treated properly as well as preventing the development of any complications.

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