Swollen tongue: Is it an allergic reaction?

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A swollen tongue might seem like a serious symptom of an allergic reaction. As part of an allergic reaction, the child might end up with hives on the tongue or lips aside from the characteristic hives on the skin.

Take note that an allergic reaction can also instigate another form of swelling that results to a swollen tongue which is called as angioedema. Similar with other allergic reactions, both hives on the tongue as well as angioedema can be triggered by drug or food allergies or a sting or bite from an insect.

If there are no other serious symptoms such as difficulty swallowing or breathing, a swollen tongue is part of a mild allergic reaction, but a doctor must be seen in case aggressive treatment is necessary.

Depending on the root cause of a swollen tongue, it is vital to consult a doctor so that further assessment can be carried out.

Swollen tongue
If there are no other serious symptoms such as difficulty swallowing or breathing, a swollen tongue is part of a mild allergic reaction.

What are the non-allergic causes of a swollen tongue?

Aside from an allergic reaction, the non-allergic causes of a swollen tongue might include:

  • Infection in or on the tongue
  • Presence of a mass or tumor
  • Insect sting or bite on the tongue that results to swelling

Always bear in mind that these causes might progress in a steady manner over time. The child might have a viral infection that resulted to the formation of ulcers on the tongue or triggered by a secondary bacterial infection or being stung on the tongue by a bee.

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