The sinuses are described as cavities inside the body. They are positioned in the skull and can be areas where bacterial infections are likely to develop. A bacterial sinus infection or sinusitis is not considered as a life-threatening condition but those who are suffering from symptoms especially the dense yellow discharge and pain end up miserable if it persists. There are various factors that can lead to the development of bacterial sinus infections. Remember that there are different types of bacteria that are linked with sinusitis.
Once an individual is suspected with sinusitis, it can be managed with commonly used over-the-counter medications as well as home remedies. Certain home remedies can help relieve the symptoms in most cases. If the individual is in doubt, consulting a doctor is a wise step to make to ensure that the condition is properly treated.
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Streptococcus pneumoniae is usually present in most cases of sinusitis. This bacterium is considered as a momentary member of the normal flora in the upper respiratory tract. Take note that this bacterium is responsible in cases of pneumococcal pneumonia once it infects the lungs.
It is important to note that this bacterium can develop antibiotic resistance via gene mutation. This grows in a rapid rate and generates large amounts of cells in large densities. Take note that this can cause disease in both animals and humans and sticks to the lining of the sinuses. Pneumococcal infections are known to cause death than any other bacteria in which vaccinations are readily available.
Moraxella catarrhalis
Moraxella catarrhalis is known to most some cases of bacterial sinus infections and quite common among children. This bacterium is typically linked with otitis media or middle ear infection as well as the worsening of the symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The cases of sinusitis due to Moraxella catarrhalis are clinically indistinguishable from those that are caused by the Haemophilus influenza or the Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria.
Haemophilus influenza
The Haemophilus influenza bacteria are usually present in the nasal sinuses in most individuals even though they do not trigger any indications of an infection. The bacterium was mistaken as the cause for the influenza pandemic that occurred back in 1890, yet it was most likely a secondary invader in that influenza outbreak.
It is important to note that this bacterium was the first living organism in which its DNA has been deciphered by scientists. It seems to trigger disease only in humans. Along with sinusitis, Haemophilus influenza is also capable of causing meningitis, respiratory tract infections and even ear infections.
Depending on the strain of bacteria responsible for triggering the sinus infection, it is vital to consult a doctor if the condition seems to persist for a long period or the symptoms become worse using simple measures.