What is iliopsoas inflammation?

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The iliopsoas muscle is a sturdy muscle responsible for lifting the knee upwards. In most cases, the tendon or muscle can end up inflamed which results to groin pain.

It is important to note that this muscle starts at the lower back and inserts into the femur. The muscle can end up inflamed if sit-ups are overdone, especially with weight behind the neck or engaging in continuous uphill running.

What are the signs?

When an individual has iliopsoas inflammation, it can trigger the following symptoms:

iliopsoas inflammation
Groin pain, especially when the knee is lifted upwards towards the chest against resistance.
  • Groin pain, especially when the knee is lifted upwards towards the chest against resistance.
  • Sensation of tightness and swelling in the groin particularly in cases where the bursa is involved
  • There is a cycle of pain where the discomfort settles during activity only to recur once activity stops

Management of iliopsoas inflammation

Once an individual ends up with iliopsoas inflammation, it is vital to take some time to rest until there is no more pain. The application of ice is also an important component of treatment.

Proper stretching of the hip flexor muscles is also essential. The individual should consult a sports injury professional for advice on correct rehabilitation and strengthening.

Anti-inflammatory medication might be prescribed by the doctor to ease the discomfort. In some cases, ultrasound therapy and a full rehabilitation program might be suggested as well. In addition, a steroid shot is also recommended.

If the individual experiences pain or discomfort in the groin, he/she must rest right away, or it can progress into a chronic ailment that is hard to treat.

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