Overview on periodontitis

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Periodontitis is defined as a serious and chronic form of gum condition. The condition results to the inflammation of the gums and destruction of the bones in the mouth that later leads to loss of teeth if left untreated.

Generally, it is a serious but prevalent condition but can be prevented. It is likely to affect individuals 30 years or older.

Who are at risk?

Periodontitis is brought about by poor oral hygiene and can affect anyone. It is more prevalent as one starts to age along with years of poor brushing and flossing and if untreated gingivitis takes its toll.

The condition is uncommon among individuals younger than 30. It is likely to affect men more than women.

Some of the usual risk factors for developing periodontitis include:

  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Hereditary susceptibility
  • Using drugs that affect the ability of the body to produce saliva which protects the gums
  • Certain conditions such as AIDS or cancer that suppresses the immune system.

What are the signs?

The management for periodontitis is based on the seriousness of the condition.

The indications of periodontitis generally include:

  • Swollen and tender gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Loose teeth
  • Pain while chewing
  • Bad breath
  • Formation of pus around the teeth
  • Receding gums
  • Bad breath
  • Teeth appears longer in appearance
  • Changes in the bite where the lower and upper teeth are together

If any of these symptoms are present, a dentist should be seen.

Management of periodontitis

The management for periodontitis is based on the seriousness of the condition. The commonly used treatment options include:

  • Deep cleaning – this involves removal of plaque using deep-cleaning measures.
  • Medications – a prescription antimicrobial mouthwash or antibiotic gel might be prescribed to lessen the number of bacteria in the mouth.

In serious cases of periodontitis, surgical intervention might be needed to save the affected teeth. Some of the surgical procedures include flap surgery and bone and tissue grafting.

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